Merger & Integration of Three Ground Service Providers & Formation of Saudi Ground Services
Client : ATTAR Ground Handling | National Handling Services | Saudi Arabian Airlines Ground Services
Project Profile

We undertook one of the most difficult tasks of merging three existing Ground Service Providers with 12000 staff and the formation of a new entity – Saudi Ground Services.  This project was undertaken pursuant to the royal decree mandating the merger of the three ground handling companies within the Kingdom.  We merged the operations of all three entities along with the operational staff & administrative staff with no disruption of operations in any form or manner.  The entire merger process was managed by us and resulted in perhaps one of the efficient & effective mergers in the annals of corporate history.  We structured processes and procedures for all departments including Operations, Finance, Human Resources, and Information Technology for the new entity.  We designed & built the requisite managerial structures to place it on the path towards stabilization & growth.




We achieved the merger & integration of the three ground service providers with a total of 12000 personnel ahead of schedule, with NO DISRUPTION to operations & no complaints from any stakeholder, despite the sensitivity of the process.  The flawless merger process has placed Saudi Ground Services on the path to its Initial Public Offering slated for 2014.